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7 Steps for No-Fail Quality Content

If you're blogging for your business, then you need to make sure that you're always posting top-notch, quality content. After all, your blog is a reflection of your expertise in the industry and you never want to seem less-than-knowledgeable. How do you make sure that you are always creating quality content that will keep your reader coming back for more? Follow these steps for a no-fail approach every time.

1. Determine your keyword.

What is your topic? Furthermore, what are people going to type into the search engine when they're trying to find information on your topic? This is your keyword.

Many people tend to use one- or two-word keywords when writing a blog post, but long-tail keywords tend to provide more results. For example, instead of someone simply searching "depression," he may search for "how to get rid of depression." By tailoring your content to these long-tail keywords, your content is much more likely to show up in search results.

2. Create your headline.

This is probably the most daunting task of your entire writing assignment because the headline is the first thing your readers are going to see. This will make or break whether they decide to read your article or not. In fact, according to Copyblogger, 8 out of 10 people will read your headline, but only 2 of those 10 will actually read the rest.

You want a headline that is unique and original and that readers will find useful. Remember, people will only read something if they think it will help them out with a problem.

3. Create original and actionable content.

Like I said, people want to read something that will help them out. Thus came the rise of actionable content. If your content provides a strict how-to/tutorial, or even adult homework including worksheets that will help people solve a problem or figure something out, they will eat that up.

4. Include content extras.

Yes, good content means that your words should be enough. However, quality content includes content extras, whether that is a downloadable ebook/worksheet, an image/infographic, or even a video showing how to do something for all of us visual learners out there.

5. Use subheadings.

Please, please, please do not ever put content up anywhere on the internet that looks like a terrifying wall of text. People on the internet have a very short attention span and will not stop to read something that doesn't allow them to easily skim. (Yes, I know, we people of the internet are a lazy breed.)

Use subheadings to break up your article. Not only do your readers appreciate you for it, but it also makes the writing process easier. By breaking each subtopic in your article into a separate heading, you're giving yourself little mini essays to write each time, rather than a giant blog post. Seems much less frightening.

6. Watch out for length.

Many online bloggers believe that shorter is sweeter, but that's not necessarily the case for online content. Sure, we don't want to read a wall of text, but if your content is properly broken up into subheadings and visually appealing, then longer is usually better.

According to Neil Patel, 1,000 to 1,500+ words is the goldmine for getting online shares.

7. Include a call-to-action.

What is the purpose of your blog post (other than to simply inform)? Are you hoping to get sign-ups to your email newsletter? Include a sign-up form at the end of your post. Are you hoping for social shares? There's nothing wrong with asking—just be sure that your site has social sharing links for ease of sharing. Are you hoping for sales? Include a link to your products/services page at the end of your post. Including a call-to-action allows for a next-step from readers who loved reading your article.

Follow these seven steps for no-fail quality content every time.

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