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Content Marketing: No Longer Optional?

Over the course of the past several years, web professionals have begun honing in on content marketing as a useful tool for reaching out to both potential customers and existing clients alike. With the exploding popularity of social media networks like Facebook and Twitter facilitating transmission of such content in ways never before imagined, marketers now have distribution channels at their disposal that allow them to connect directly with their target audiences.

Whereas content creation was once seen as a valuable option to consider when launching a marketing campaign, many professionals now see it as an essential part of the marketing equation. This can likely be attributed to the overall effectiveness of content marketing in reeling in new customers and bolstering conversion rates, along with the comparatively low financial commitment the creation of such content requires.

Content Marketing on the Rise

Content marketing can take on several different forms, encompassing videos, blogs, and articles written specifically with the intent of driving web traffic. As the web shows no sign of slowing down anytime soon, many marketers are now focusing significant portions of their budget on the generation of content that will resonate with their intended audience. In most instances, the traffic such content pulls in boasts higher conversion rates than traditional online advertising.

According to a recent study conducted by Marketing Profs and the Content Marketing Institute, content creation has now evolved to include a whopping 9 out of 10 B2B marketers. Many of the those participating in the study demonstrated a decision to use an assortment of marketing materials and mediums to reach out to the online crowd. The underlying message of the study results suggests that the creation of materials that couple a specific perspective with informative content can often translate to more powerful results than traditional advertising.

Generating content that is on target, well-written, and of interest to its audience can prove a massive challenge for marketers looking to develop such materials in-house. For this reason, more than 62% of those who responded to the study in question reported their intent to outsource content creation. This allows companies to take advantage of the skill set and knowledge base of individuals who are well-versed in a particular industry and subject matter, while keeping close tabs on marketing budgets.

Getting the most bang for your client's proverbial buck is largely dependent on the ability of the content creator to connect with his audience on an intimate level. According to Pulitzer Prize-nominated author Nicholas Carr, constant stimulation delivered through the Internet causes web users to become numb to the onslaught of digital material they come across each day. Fighting through the chaos and making a memorable impression on the user should be a priority for content marketers.

Of course, connecting with readers is always more easily said than done. Some of the tips many marketers rely upon include making a strong first impression and using descriptive speech to open a reader up to a story being told. Furthermore, many marketers use personal narratives and real-life scenarios that can resonate with individuals from many different walks of life.

Regardless of what form of content is eventually chosen as the most appropriate marketing material, marketing professionals agree that the ever-expanding field of content marketing will likely become the most important factor of successful campaigns in the years to come.

Harnessing the power of the social engine to your client's benefit through the use of informative content and interesting material will allow their organization to reap the benefits in terms of both web traffic and conversion rates. Not only will this translate to greater revenue in the short term, but it could potentially enlarge the horizon for floundering companies hoping to enjoy long term success.

Topics: brand marketing - content marketing - content marketing plan

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