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9 Great Business Copywriting Tips to Remember

The best business copywriting is genuine, engaging, and useful. No fluff, no hard sales talk, no technical jargon. Sounds simple enough, but many writers struggle with sounding as natural on the page as they do in person.

Web page copy, eBooks, press releases, articles, and SEO blog posts may require different approaches, but providing conversational copy that is relevant to an audience and contains a clear call to action remains the consistent goal.

Use these tips to start creating more sincere and persuasive business copywriting today.

Tip #1: Ditch Useless Phrases

The easiest way to tell if your business copywriting contains fluff is to ask yourself about each sentence: “what does this mean?” If there’s no good answer, remove or rephrase it until it offers something concrete and meaningful. Here’s an example:

Ditch “Our software helps you increase conversions.”

Replace with: “Nearly a million people use our software to increase conversions.”

Where possible, use specifics instead of generalities. It increases a brand’s credibility.

Tip #2: Do More Research

All great business copywriters know the value of research. Learn how to use specialized search engines and perform laser-focused research. Take the time to dig, drill, and dynamite to get to the information gold you need to create great content that’s relevant to what a business does and what its audience needs. The more information you have, the more in-depth and to the point your content will be.

Tip #3: Add More Visual Interest

All business copy should be easy to read. Add visual interest to spark curiosity in your copy by making it:

  • Scannable and visually appealing (easy to read)
  • Distinctly personable
  • Entertaining, which does not always have to mean overly humorous
  • A bit controversial by taking a point of view that defies the norm
  • Tell a story that readers can connect with and respond to

Tip #4: Use Simple Sentences

Everyone is in a rush, looking for fast information and solutions to their problems. Give them simple sentences that deliver the gist of the matter concerning a product or service. Cover the main benefits and write precise sentences that contain the relevant and important facts they need to know to make a decision.

Tip #5: Emphasize the Benefits

Dynamic business copywriting must showcase the benefits the user will realize by purchasing a product or service. It must trigger a sense that the business understands the reader’s pain points and guide the potential lead further along the sales process. Avoid cliché benefits and concentrate on what really matters to the audience. Remember, you can’t create desire in a reader, but you can spark it by giving the reader exactly what she or he already wants.

Tip #6: Be a Storyteller

Storytelling is about making an emotional connection. Use personal, engaging stories to capture a prospect’s attention and draw them in for more information. Your story should create trust with customers and help them understand how a product or service will fit into their life. The goal is to create and show the human side of a brand and offer something of value the reader wants.

Tip #7: Speak the Customer’s Language

If you want people to buy a product or service, you must talk to them in a language they understand – their own. It’s the best way to get them to know, like, and trust a brand, because they recognize themselves in the content they’re reading or watching. In other words, it helps a business make a personal connection and build long-term relationships with its customers.

Tip #8: Try Something Different

One of the best ways to do this is by pulling bullet points from your research. Choose phrases and sentences that jump out at you, even if they seem unimportant. Look for what strikes you as interesting or unusual. There’s a reason you responded to them. When you’re through, read them over. It’s likely you’ll either find a common theme that can spark your writing, or some unique hooks or angles for telling your story. The result? Copy that catches an audience’s attention and generates interest.

Tip #9: Use Specifics

Back up what you write with statistics, testimonials, and infographics. Trust and credibility come more easily when you offer reliable data. Specificity in copywriting works across the board, setting your content apart and making it more credible.

Great copywriting is essential to every business’ success. These tips should help you create content that helps brands communicate their message to customers and develop long-lasting, mutually beneficial relationships with them.

Topics: Business Copywriting

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