Are your clients ready to take the next big step in marketing their companies? Does this seem like the time for them to commit more resources and effort to growth? Their marketing strategy makes all the difference in this effort. With some planning and foresight you can help them take it to the next level and enjoy greater success this year.
Marketing strategy - Tips for moving forward
With a surprisingly small budget, some time, effort and willingness to monitor and follow-through, your client's marketing campaign can take them where they want to go. Marketing a company well can be the difference between surviving and thriving.
All that goes into your client's marketing campaign can really be considered content. From the setting up of their marketing strategy, to the actual words and graphics that go on the website, make sure you pay close attention to the content.
Following are a few recommendations that may help you and your client's online marketing efforts:
Commit to a (real) marketing budget
One-fourth of business owners don't spend any money on marketing. Half spend less than $500 a month. That means only about a quarter of business owners spend over $500 per month on a marketing budget. What category do your clients fit into? Maybe it's time to commit some "real" dollars to a marketing budget. This does not mean they need to break the bank. There is a strategy for any budget; the key is to set realistic goals and track the return on investment (ROI). To help them get there, consider employing the help of outside professionals as necessary.
Referrals from other businesses
Do your clients partner with other businesses to get referrals? If not, they should. In most cases. you have to interact with other businesses (accountants, graphic designers, IT) to run your own. Why not use these relationships to refer clients to each other? This can be a very formal relationship where you agree to commissions or just a very informal deal where each of you agrees to "put in a good word" for each other. This can be a great source of new business for your clients.
Review, or build, a great website
Take a good hard look at the website. If they don't have one, take steps to build one. You want a site that is simple but effective. Your client's website is how others see them, their company and brand. Make sure that the site is easy to use, updated regularly and optimized for search engine optimization (SEO). Put effort into the website--it's a critical component of success.
It's not on autopilot
Don't think you can just come up with a marketing plan, put it into place and it's going to run automatically. You have to devote time and effort to the campaign and related marketing strategy. How much time? That will depend on your client's goals and resources.
Mobile friendly!
More and more people are using smartphones and tablets today. Many only use these devices for online interaction. Make sure their website and online presence if optimized for mobile users. This will probably require you to get professional help. Do so. This is money well spent, as you will be missing out on a huge segment of your client's customers if their website is not optimized for mobile users.
All sorts of content
Don't be content with the content! Many site owners use their blog, and content, to convey timely and pertinent information about their company. Make sure emphasis is put on fresh, updated content and graphical elements such as videos, images and inforgraphics. People see and learn by different methods. Give them many ways to digest your content.
Marketing strategy - Get ahead with great marketing
It's 2014, and it's time to move forward with your client's marketing strategy. Use these tips to improve their bottom line now, and set up long-term success in the future.