Writing an interesting blog is not brain surgery, but it does require planning and careful attention to detail. Your basic purpose for blog writing is to attract potential customers who will want to pay for your service and/or products. Your readers are pursuing a different purpose – they are looking for answers to questions.
Following are simple tips to successfully and seamlessly meet both purposes.
Tip #1 – The Mechanics
Several aspects are important components in every blog posting. These items must be included in each posting, but should be revised to highlight the subject of the current blog writing. By using a consistent page layout, your readers will learn where to look for specific items, links or actions.
- Title – Your title must immediately grab, and hold, your reader’s attention. Be consistent in the type font, size and on-page positioning you use.
- Relevant – Keep all of the content of your blog writing relevant to the statement or promise made in the title.
- Links – Add contextual (in-text) links that will lead to other landing pages. These pages must be relevant to that specific blog’s subject.
- Banner – Include a banner or sidebar that is a call to action. Be consistent in the page placement and overall look.
- Sharing – Include easily identified Icon links that encourage readers to share information.
- Action – Always end your blog writing with a call to action. Let your readers know what you want them to do.
Tip #2 – Offer Mind Candy
Your readers are looking primarily for answers to questions, but they are also looking for new ideas and concepts. You want your blog writing to provide solutions, and pose new questions while being entertaining and personable – all at the same time.
- Fresh – Avoid blog writing about the subjects that are currently on the top of the “most viewed” list – unless you have a new and unique perspective for a fresh approach to an idea.
- Controversy – Unless you are a politician or a daytime radio talk show host, it is advisable to avoid writing focused on highly controversial subjects. Thoughtful discussions are good, however angry rants are not.
- Comments – Provide an easy method for readers to post comments. Encourage comments, but retain the ability to review all comments before they are posted. Always reply to comments and thank the contributor.
Tip #3 – Leave Them Wanting More!
It is essential to have a well-defined plan before you start writing your blog. Determine what your overall subject will be, and break it down into smaller sections.
- Steps – Consider your ultimate blogging purpose a step-by-step instruction manual. Each blog is a specific step that builds on the earlier steps (blogs) and flows effortless into the next.
- Promise – Deliver valuable and relevant information in each blog, and promise to provide additional valuable information in upcoming blog writings.
Hint – Provide your readers with a hint of what your next blog will address, or the subjects of your next several blogs. Provide a small banner highlighting “coming attractions.”
- Consistent – Once you have grabbed the attention of your readers, tell them exactly when to expect more of your valuable insight. Establish a schedule for posting your blogs – and stick to that schedule.
- Catching Up – Make it easy for your readers to catch up and/or review. Have all of your past blogs available for download – in case someone missed a specific posting.
Tip #4 – Aim for a Bulls Eye on Your Target
Very few products or services will have a target market that includes everyone. Determine the ideal target market for what you are offering and tailor your blog writing for that market.
- Tone – Your overall writing tone, or voice, must match the tone of the subject. All blog writing should be engaging and enticing, but needs to be appropriate to the demeanor of your target market.
- Style – Numbered and or bulleted lists are an excellent way to provide information quickly and concisely. These techniques also make it easy to scan for specific information. However you must consider the "personality" of your target market. When you determine the best style for your blog writing, be consistent in its use.
- Content – Keep all of your blog writing content aimed at your target market. Provide information and answers that are relevant to their specific needs, goals and concerns.
Remember, blog writing is not brain surgery – unless your target market actually is, well, brain surgeons. To learn more, check out our white paper, "How the Right Blog Content Strategy Can Power and Simplify Your Online Marketing."