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What Makes a Writer "Good?" (And How to Be Great!)

Mediocre writers tend to jot down the facts or regurgitate information already found on the internet – they don't take the time to figure out what their readers really want to learn, and there typically isn't any personalization found in the text of a low quality writer. As a quality writer it is vital to connect with your readers in a way that engages them emotionally and makes them want to take action in some way, whether that action is starting a garden or signing up for your newsletter.

Your content should resonate with readers in such a way that they want to share your words of wisdom and insights with their friends and family. This not only aids you in maintaining an authoritative voice on the web, but it attracts quality leads and increases the chance that your content will get promoted through social media. Here are some other things you can do to maintain a quality edge in the market and stand out from the crowd of not-so-great writers out there:

Become Your Audience

One of the most important aspects of being a great writer is getting into your audience's head to determine what they really want to read and learn about. If you're writing content about HVAC repair or maintenance, think about what you'd like to learn on the subject as a homeowner.

Maybe your readers can benefit from learning about sustainable ways to limit the wear and tear put on the HVAC system, like planting trees in specific places on the property or completing a do-it-yourself insulation project. Think outside the box and tap into topics that haven't already been beaten to death by other writers.

Create Actionable Content

As an effective writer, you have to know how to create actionable content. This means that you're giving your readers more than just information – you are telling them how to put the information to use as well. For example if you're writing about flowers and plants that naturally repel pests like mosquitoes, go a step further and tell your readers how they can grow those plants at home in a kitchen window or out in the garden.

Or if you're writing about what to expect during a toddler's first dental visit, tell parents how they can prepare their child at home and how to encourage proper oral hygiene practices at home between dental visits. Not only does actionable content resonate with readers longer than informational content, but it keeps them coming back for more.

Work at Being a Friend

A great writer knows how to build a relationship with their reader base, which makes them feel like they're getting advice and information from someone they can trust and someone who understands their wants and needs. To create personable content, it's simply a matter of writing in a conversational tone.

Instead of using big fancy words or technical terms to explain topics, write as if you're talking to a friend in a down-to-earth and straight forward manner. This tactic works just as well for blog content as for professional pieces, but it's best to use real-life examples in professional content and save personal opinions and experiences for blog content.

Integrate Dynamic Visuals

Because visuals are processed by the brain 60,000 times faster than text, it's important to include at least once dynamic photo, infographic, or video to every piece of content you create if possible. Visuals enhance your written skill and will automatically capture the attention of readers before they have a chance to move on to something else. Visual content is like a pretty package that shows people what they can expect when opening the "package" to read your content.

With the help of these tips and tricks as well as some practice, you'll find that it's easy to make your own professional mark in the content creation world and ensure that you're remembered by clients and readers alike for your quality written words.

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