When working on the development of content for your website's blog, you'll undoubtedly have to take advantage of a few online tools to help you create something that's quality and will keep readers coming back.
Luckily, we've got a few of our favorite content creation tools up our sleeve to share with you. Use These Content Creation Tools For Quality Content.
1. Finding Content Ideas
Coming up with the topic for your next blog post can sometimes take even longer than writing the blog post itself. You want your posts to be relevant, but still different enough from everything else online that you stand out.
Use the following digital content creation tools to help you find your content ideas quicker.
- Buzzsumo: This online database will help you search for previously written blog posts based on a search term or industry. This is a great way to get ideas based on what's already written, but be sure to take the topic and make it your own.
- Quora: This is a site where people submit questions they have. If you're running short on content ideas, check this out and find a few good FAQs in your industry to answer with a blog post on your website.
2. Generating a Clickable Headline
On average, 8 out of 10 people will see your headline, and only 2 of those 10 will actually click through to read your article. Improve these statistics by creating a headline that makes people want to read your story.
However, don't confuse creating a clickable headline with clickbait, a frowned upon process that makes your article seem sensationalist rather than legitimate. To learn more about creating great headlines, read our white paper, "Your Blog Titles Don't Have to Be Boring!"
- Blog Topic Generator: Not only will this help you with point one as well, but this tool provides the perfect headline for each topic as well.
- Emotional Marketing Value Headline Analyzer: What makes the mark of a good headline? You tap into your reader's emotions. This analyzer will help you to determine how emotional your headline is.
- Blog Title Generator: Another generator that will create blog post titles for you based on a topic or keyword. So easy!
3. Writing Your Content
What else makes up part of quality content? Well, your actual content, of course! These content creation tools below will help to ensure that your writing is readable and that you haven't made any spelling or grammatical errors. After all, the improper use of the word "your" can send a number of potential customers running.
- Grammarly: This is a popular tool that you can install as a bookmark on your browser to check your spelling and grammar. It's handy for emails, social media posts, and blog content. In fact, when wouldn't it be a good idea to check your grammar?
- Hemingway Editor: This app will highlight pieces of your post to tell you where your writing is weaker and where it is stronger. Not only that, but it will also tell you what reading level your writing is at. In order to reach the largest audience, it's recommended to write web content at around a seventh grade reading level.
4. Linking Credible Resources
Linking to credible and well-known sources helps you to look like a more legitimate source, and can also help your ranking on search engines. When writing a blog post, always include a link when you share obscure or unknown statistics. Also try to include links to your own previous blog posts where applicable to reduce your bounce rate and increase time on your website.
- Google Search: Okay, sure, this might be the most basic tool on this list, but it's a winner. Simply searching for your blog post topic can help you to find previous resources on the same topic.
- Advanced Google Search: When looking for particular statistics, authors, and more, using Google's advanced search and find results based on more specific search parameters.
Development of content, especially quality content, takes time and it takes some tools. These are our top recommended content creation tools for each step of your content creation. If you want to learn more about how to craft your own content strategy, check out our white paper, "What is a Digital Content Strategy? Any Why You Need One!"