Your client's website is there to make money by generating traffic and converting leads. Every page on it must be involved in this single endeavor. This means their content strategy must be about more than just adding a blog to their website. Don’t get me wrong, blogs are great sources of fresh content. But a blog isn’t the only content your clients have. And it isn’t necessarily the best way to convert customers.
Product Page Evergreening
Product pages are certainly content, possibly the biggest source of content on a site. Make sure each page has more than a product description and an image. SEOmoz has several ways to make these pages work harder:
- Make the text about more than just a basic description. Tell a story about that product. How is it used? Why does your customer need one? Show your company’s personality through this content. If done right, others will link to that specific page, not only because of the product but for the extra value the page itself brings. Add more images and remember to tag them for SEO.
- Add a section for customer reviews and comments. Yes, this can be scary, giving control of what your page says to others, but it can be worth it in building relationships and learning about customer needs.
- Add product comparisons and sales trends. For B2B customers in particular it can be enlightening to know what time of year sales of a particular type of product peak, what demographic is the biggest buyer, or what other products buyers typically choose in addition to the one on the page.
- Make any Buy Now or Demo buttons pop off the page. You always want to guide the customer in the direction you want him to go.
Seasonal Changes
Adding holiday touches to your website is an easy way to refresh it. If you don’t want to follow the crowd, you can always look into things that are off the beaten path. If you sell art supplies, maybe you could make changes in honor of Picasso’s birthday or to enlighten about painting en pleine air.
Certainly the big holidays, if they are major selling times for your business, need to make more than just an appearance on your site. Those are the times to really make those pages sell for you.
Sales and Bestsellers
You should change up those pages where you are having a sale on a product. That is a great time to add some of that extra-special content that could stay on that page after the sale. Over time, many of your pages will receive updates with this treatment and not all the pages would have to be done at once.
If your industry has something like best seller lists, these can add fresh content all on their own. Bestseller lists change periodically and makes a change in the page that could get the search engines to crawl more frequently. A different spin on this could be lists by customers of groups of products they have found to be helpful for certain projects or simply to share a list of favorites.
Any news release about your business or products should make an appearance on your website, whether you wrote it, or you rated a mention in someone else’s. You can make a specific aggregating page for this but if the news is particular to a product, make sure it gets on that product page, too.
News isn’t limited to your business or products. News is also made when you release other content, such as white papers, surveys, or case studies. Place images and sign-ups for download on the page with the related product. Your content strategy doesn't need to mean everything is written by you.
SEO Updates
Keywords are not static. SEO is an integral part of content strategy. The words people use to find you can change over time and you need to keep up. If your traffic is falling off, take a look at the keywords you are optimizing and review their performance and usage with a keyword tool. Your website isn’t “set it and forget it”, it needs to grow and changes organically with the rest of the world.
These 5 tips should set your client's content strategy on the path to greatness where each page of their site is working as hard as they are, to get customers and make sales.