You know it, and you've probably told your clients: anyone can string a few sentences together and publish them on a blog or website. Businesses need a websites; in this day of mobile technology, customers will find your clients online before they find them any other way. So, they follow the advice, build the website, and expect new customers to start helping their bottom lines.
But the problem here is that not any old content will do. Run-of-the-mill, boring content will not help any business. In fact, it will likely hurt because it gives people a false conception of who your clients are and what they can provide. In order to take advantage of today's incredible online marketing opportunities, content has to be remarkable. When you succeed in publishing remarkable content, you'll realize the following benefits.
Remarkable Content Builds Over Time
One great blog post will generate an immediate buzz if it's properly advertised through social media. You'll probably get a spike in traffic the day of the posting, and this spike might just last a few days if the content is newsworthy and interesting enough. But if it's really well-written, informative, and interesting, and if it contains enough keywords to show up in web searches, that one blog post will faithfully bring readers to your client's website for years to come. And that's just the beginning.
If you consistently post remarkable content, each of your posts will draw visitors in over time. You don't know what news topics will be popular a year from now, but chances are that if you have consistently posted great content on interesting topics related to your client's business or industry, people will stumble across their blog or website as they search for whatever they need at the moment.
Remarkable Content Earns Followers
The term "web search" is telling. People go online to find things. And what is it that busy, modern people want? They want help. They want ideas that make their lives easier, happier, and more productive. They want expert help in a friendly, conversational package. If your content provides these things--help and tips in a friendly, confident tone--you'll gain followers.
Why do your clients want followers? Followers, whether they follow social media profiles or a website or blog, are your first line of marketing recruits. They'll see your posts as soon as their published, and if they like what they see, they'll spread the word. They might retweet your catchy phrase that leads people back to your remarkable blog content, and when something is retweeted, you don't know how far it can go, reaching customers you might never otherwise find.
And remember that your tweets will get retweeted more often if you simply ask for it. A study reported at Buffer showed that followers were 23 times more likely to retweet when specifically asked to "retweet," (by spelling out the word).
Remarkable Content Polishes Brands
In today's marketing environment, branding is key. When people see a logo or hear the name of a business, they immediately conjure up impressions and past experiences. For instance, if you're hungry and you see the golden arches out your car window, you might immediately start craving a Big Mac and french fries because the smells and taste are associated with the McDonald's logo in your mind.
You may not be able to make customers' mouths water when they see your client's logo (especially if they're not in the food business), but you can help customers come to expect excellent service, quality, and innovative thinking just by producing remarkable content. When your content is error-free, grammatically correct and well-written, people will automatically assume that the work your clients do is high-quality and that they take pride in their work. If content is sloppy, ill-conceived, and poorly executed, their brand will come to be associated with sub-par services and products.
Clearly, publishing remarkable content is worth the price and effort involved. It will stay around forever, and it will help those you reach through social media and web searches to know that your client's services or products are top quality and important to their happiness and well-being. Social Media B2B reports that 75% of buyers use social media in the purchase room, and 27,000,000 pieces of content are shared each day, according to an AOL & Nielsen content sharing study. Don't allow your clients to be left out of these amazing marketing opportunities!